Monday, May 18, 2015


99 cents on offer!

Her suspicions aroused, Rose Baines steals out of Blackstone House to see what hellish things are going on. 

"I stole out to the moors in the direction of the altar stone. I stood there for some moments wondering where they had all gone, but then I noticed what looked like a tunnel. I could hear laughter and talking--screams and other sounds too, coming from somewhere deep inside. I decided to see what was happening.

It was dark but there were candles about. I continued on toward the sound. People moved about somewhere close by, sending flickering shadows along the walls ahead of me.

Creeping along a little more I saw chambers—enclosed areas filled with cushions and people… people doing things to one another.

I didn’t realize what they were doing at first but then I did, and I nearly cried out. Handsomely dressed men and women lay prostrate on the makeshift beds, offering their necks, their arms, their bodies, so that their mates – black-clothed figures – could bite into their flesh and drink their blood!

I watched in horror while the victims moaned with ecstasy while the predators licked the flowing blood from their skin. They loved it so much, they called out for the most indecent things to be done to them.

Then the clothing was discarded and men and women in all sorts of combinations began to pleasure one another.

Meanwhile they continued to feast on one another, and those they feasted on were screaming their delight!

I turned to run, but someone grabbed me. I managed to break free, and started to run as fast as I could.

I did finally emerge back onto the moors, only to be grabbed again and pushed to the ground. A girl held me down, a girl I recognized, a girl whose chin was caked in blood.
She was Imogene, the nasty one from the club. She reached for me and bent over me. “I will show you pleasure, I will show you worlds you cannot imagine!”

“No! No!” I cried, somehow managing to break away from her. I ran again as fast as I could. She chased after me but suddenly stopped to sniff the air. She then fell upon the ground.

At first I didn’t realize what she was doing, I only understood when she looked up and smiled. “Virgin blood, sweet to the taste!”
I don’t remember screaming. All I know is I was soon surrounded by a sea of anxious faces."

(end of excerpt)

99 cents on offer! 

The House on Blackstone Moor
~Top 10 Books 2013, All Things Fantasy

~efestival of words 2014 winner, Best Villain Eco Best Horror 
The House on Blackstone Moor

"Worth its weight in blood."

I for one found this gloriously gothic, refreshingly brutal, honestly horrific and a great read.
~Taliesin Meets the Vampires

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