Friday, June 26, 2015


Now, I happen to think clowns can be scary looking--not always, but very often. I think one person is responsible for that. The serial killer, John Wayne Gacy. He dressed as a clown to entertain children in hospitals. Now, I don't know if he realized just how evil he looked in the clown makeup, but he looked pretty scary to me!

Eventually, he was executed for having murdered thirty young men. I never forgot him or the case. 

If he isn't solely responsible for generating fear of clowns (among some of us), he's partially responsible. They scare us. We don't know what they're like under that clown makeup. 

The novel I evenutally wrote was a bit of a departure for me. My longer fiction tends to be Gothic vampires, lusty--sexy and well, vampires just being vampires!

My shorter fiction is different. Two years ago I wrote a short story which is included in my Carole Gill's House of Horrors collection. It was about a circus.

I liked the premise so much that over time, the characters began growing in my head. I mean they were being slowly developed without me doing anything. When that happens, writers know they have a novel.

When the characters were forming in my imagination I saw different sorts of men as these clowns. I didn't see serial killers like Gacy. I saw damaged human beings who kill and cannibalize what they kill. They are so messed up and warped, it is the only way they can 'get back at the world.' 

Still, they are sensitive and surprisingly caring sometimes. There are three of them in this novel. Each was horrifically abused as children. Their faces are badly scarred. They cover those scars with clown makeup. And really, clown makeup is a mask. Who knows what's under the mask? Anything could be. 

My poor clowns are warped and insane and they know it. They are part of a travelling circus that has seen better days. Each character has secrets but no one has a more surprising secret than the owner's son. He no longer remembers what it is, age took its toll. His son knows and has killed because of it. 

A man shows up one night--a stranger who wants to help them. He does. He wins them over. Things are going to change he promises, they surely do. 

I don't think horror should be without purpose. All of the elements of horror should be there  like gore. Gore can embellish a story but it should never be the story. 

I also think that cruelty and abuse, especially meted out to children can produce damaged adults. And if evil is drawn to evil like a magnet and happens to become part of a circus--well, it's going to be a hell of a show, literally. 

Succubus and demons are there, but they're present mainly to seduce and beguile. 

No animals are present, by the way! This is a different sort of circus remember, the 'animals' were conjured. They're not real. Only the horror and damnation is. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Excerpt: "Invitation." Be careful who invites you for a drink!

"It was in the year 1884, in the middle of September that I set my tale. Naples had been ravaged by cholera. The stench of burning sulphur passed over the place, like death’s noxious twin. Many of the streets were as silent as the grave, which was understandable as death had not yet departed.

The shops, theaters and even the cafes were closed. The cafes I considered to be more annoying than anything, as I do like to sit and watch the world go by, although I tend to refuse most drinks.

One night I found myself quite alone and unduly downhearted; the reason you will see later. So because of my sad mood I happened to take a stroll, feeling it best to do so.

Golden afternoon was already becoming blue dusk when I noticed a man. He was young and looked ill at ease surrounded by so many dead. Oh yes! The dead were all laid out waiting for removal. I mean they kept collecting them as quickly as possible, but the task was almost endless.

Bear in mind it was an epidemic and keeping up with their grim task was difficult, if not impossible, for it seemed as soon as one corpse was collected another took its place.

I had first seen this fellow when he bolted from a hotel—I thought him not quite right in his mind, for his gait was stumbling and unsteady.  However, after following him for a while I discerned that he was merely drunk, poor fellow.

As it was going on toward evening the collection carts were out in force. This was southern Italy and the people are superstitious. They believe the dead must be collected post-haste or all sorts of things might occur. They fear things in the night—they fear particularly the species to which I belong, I am a vampire—proprius lamia.

There, I am glad I have told you. So much better to get things out in the open, don’t you agree?

I did continue to follow this young man, so driven was I to make his acquaintance, but without warning he stopped and challenged me. “No closer!”

I could see he held a dagger, one of the countless gaudy handled kinds sold throughout Italy that are so popular with many of the men there.

I raised both my arms. “Please, I come as a friend, purely that!”


"There is no doubt that she soars above the endless parade of independent horror authors to shine as a true star in the darkness. With the brilliant anthology House of Horrors she proves why she is a perennial favorite. To put it simply, this is a great assembly of tales anyone would be proud to have in their collection"
~Joshua Skye

More Horror! LAST HOURS 99 CENTS!

The child’s uncle didn’t think much of the Grave Angel, not until it was too late.

A serial killer's dead reckoning!

Insanity has its rewards sometimes. Friendships with unusual beings are a given.

An outraged Van Helsing accusing a vampire of seducing his wife!


"There is no doubt that she soars above the endless parade of independent horror authors to shine as a true star in the darkness. With the brilliant anthology House of Horrors she proves why she is a perennial favorite. To put it simply, this is a great assembly of tales anyone would be proud to have in their collection"
~Joshua Skye


Tuesday, June 23, 2015



"Our end is near. There is no recourse or action to take, only acceptance—for there waits among the starry firmament the harbinger of death, an evil entity whose purpose is annihilation and whose method is fire. It has always been thus.

No, I am not a prophet as such, more a prophesying educator. Now, as I find myself facing what I have always believed would happen, I am prepared to make my very last treatise.

The cosmic holocaust explodes above our heads. We can feel the shuddering vibrations of its burning assault. Our world will soon be no more. Nor us within it.

We do not face death alone. There are ten relates, ten birth providers and ten sires. Their offspring are of varying annums. Some are newly spawned and others are somewhat older. But all of the fifteen offspring are under five and ten annums. There are two learners, each typically rebellious seekers of change. They are my former pupils.

The fortified domain we find ourselves in was never fully operational. It had been developed in secret and at great cost. The concept being, cataclysms occur—whether by war or natural causes.

Our planet had endured many fire rock hits from various out-flying flotsam thousands of times in our history.

There began to be a belief among a fair number of our sci-techs that a major episode was about to occur. So because of that this project was undertaken. A deliberately constructed fortification began to be discussed.

Not only was the fortress to be underground, it was to be built into our own crust-rock--the hardest naturally occurring material on our planet. Most of which is buried deep beneath the surface.

There were many for and against such an undertaking. In favor of it were the project’s engineers who said an impact event was survivable. They reasoned that the impact object itself would most likely disintegrate in the resultant explosion.

They further reasoned that the effects of the hit would not go that deep as almost all of the energy would be released as heat. And in the atmospheric shockwave that followed, most of the remaining force would be released as seismic waves through the ground. Their conclusion: possibly a survivable outcome.

Possibly. "

Monday, June 22, 2015


London’s greatest murder case was solved by a sleepwalker!

Their world soon to be destroyed—all they can do is wait.

They no longer knew death. So they wanted to study the new arrivals, especially those that had been killed during the mission.

Be careful or your next byline may prove to be your obituary. The reporter found  that out much too late!

"There is no doubt that she soars above the endless parade of independent horror authors to shine as a true star in the darkness. With the brilliant anthology House of Horrors she proves why she is a perennial favorite. To put it simply, this is a great assembly of tales anyone would be proud to have in their collection"
~Joshua Skye


Stories of Pacts, Haunted Theaters and More!

A book of spells in children’s blood and he didn’t think he’d go to hell?

An abandoned movie theater, not exactly empty. 

"It’s only a nightmare." he thought but that was the last thing he thought.


Some Reviews

Carole Gill’s talent is a wonder to experience. She has the uncanny ability to craft horrors imbued in fairy tale finesse. 
Joshua Skye

I grew up with horror legends such as King, Koontz, Poe, Shelley, Stoker and I added Gill to that list. 
C. Gaydas 

House Of Horrors is a fine addition to my Kindle, and I’m sure I’ll be going to read this again and again…
C.D. Bennett

A vertible blood feast for vampire fans everywhere!



(Excerpt, Halloween in Jerkwater)


"The two strange ghosts that were still hiding were cursing under their breath; their voices a bit deep-sounding for children.

“Well here you are children. Some cookies I baked.”
The children thanked her. “Wow, we never get anything like that!”

The other sister opened her purse. “Here are some pennies too

They left eventually and the door was closed. The two ghosts came out of hiding.



They rang the bell but they didn’t say, ’ trick or treat.’ Instead when the door opened, they just stood there looking around at all the rich furnishings. The kindly woman smiled at them and asked teasingly, “Aren’t you going to say anything? Cat got your tongue?”

The two little ghosts just sighed; they had already spotted the purse. Since neither of them said anything and it was cold, the sisters ushered them inside. It was when they were inside that they said:

“Trick or treat!”

They were given cookies and one of the sisters asked, “What would your trick have been children?”

One of the ghosts produced a razor and cut her throat and her sister's expertly, avoiding most of the blood.

“Grab whatever you see. I’ll get the dough; we’ll clean up before we leave.”

Al and Hank had been employed as midgets in circus sideshows for years. Halloween was always a special time for them. It made up for all the shit they took and all the pointing and cruelty.

Each had grown up in various mental institutions. Al had a police record but he wasn’t wanted again, not yet..."

(End of Excerpt)


Sunday, June 21, 2015



"Evil had come. It came unannounced as Death often does. Once there it made a home for itself—a kind of nest.

The child knew it for what it was—the stinking shapeless hulk that sometimes spoke and laughed at her.

But maybe there were reasons it had come? The Church of the Blessed Virgin no longer saw her family’s faces on a Sunday. Papa said he couldn’t be bothered giving a few coins for the poor. “Who cares for us? I ask you that!”

Kataya supposed it was true, and so they just stopped attending. But she felt badly every time she passed the church because she’d feel the priest’s eyes on her. Sometimes she’d glance up and wave to him. He always waved back but regarded her sadly like something lost to him and to God.

They had been regular church goers when her mama was alive. But then everything changed. Perhaps that was part of it, what with mama’s early death-- she and the blue tinged infant son pulled from her bloody loins was as dead as she was. “A last gasp,” the midwife said, adding: “But the child never drew one breath.”

No, there was no reason to go to church.

The house was filled with shadows then--shadows and tears and sleepless nights too when Kataya would hear her father calling out for her mother.

But then he met the woman who became her stepmother.

Had her mama’s death and the baby’s started the whole thing? Had this evil entity come because of it? And if so, why?

It came when Papa left to look for work in Warsaw. Kataya hated being alone with her stepmother. Irina was cold and silent and had a way of looking through her.

No, she could not go to her to tell her about the evil thing. She would try to manage on her own.

“Who are you, why have you come here?”

Its answer was a thundering growl. When she first heard it she cowered in a corner afraid to move, but it spoke again: “I’ll be your friend if you like…”

She was willing to try anything. But it didn’t care. It began to show her it’s terrible powers.

She was transfixed for the thing appeared to morph into something else-- many other things—big and small, shadowy and light filled too. At last it turned into something with a myriad of different colored lights running through it.

“You can look beautiful if you want.”

It glowed when she said that and she smiled thinking maybe it was her imagination after all, perhaps it was some sort of angelic spirit sent to bestow good fortune upon her and her Papa at last.

And where was the stench? Something floral and beautiful had replaced it.

“Do you like me better now?” it asked in a gentle voice.

As she began to reply, it changed back in an instant—dark and nasty and stinking too.

Kataya was only eleven but she realized what had happened. A thing that horrible cannot assume a fake façade for too long. The truth always emerges from the best of camouflages.

“I shall leave the cupboard door open so you will leave.” she said. “I want you gone when I return from school!”

Had it laughed at her then, behaving as frighteningly as it had originally? She couldn’t be certain.

So off she went to school. But what if it didn’t leave? Might it kill her father?

It would have to leave before he came home!

It would not go. It told her in its gruff voice it had no intention of vacating her bedroom cupboard.

Night time was the worst. Who in their right mind would want to sleep in a room with a monster?

“What are you doing there, Kataya?!”

Big smile on the child’s face: “I am in here to sleep Stepmother, because I am warmer in here.”

Stepmother Irina was not known for her kindness. “Don’t be silly. This is our parlor such as it is! Get up at once and go to your room.”

If only she could tell her about the monster! But that was impossible. How could one monster understand another?"

(end of excerpt) 

In this horror collection you'll find stories of vampires, zombies, murderous midgets, demon clowns, evil dolls, haunted cemeteries, a real shop of horrors, taxidermy gone haywire, serial killers and more! 
Your worst fears and nightmares dished up for you with extra helpings of blood-curdling terror!


"There is no doubt that she soars above the endless parade of independent horror authors to shine as a true star in the darkness. With the brilliant anthology House of Horrors she proves why she is a perennial favorite. To put it simply, this is a great assembly of tales anyone would be proud to have in their collection"

~Joshua Skye

Saturday, June 20, 2015



He loved her so much he brought the young man home so she would drink his rich, ruby port.

Show and Tell would never be the same, nor would his parents regard him as they had.

Three haunting voices filling the night sky with their special song. So beautiful so why did they scare the child?

They only looked like children, no one knew about the razors. 

Horror in the footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe

Hours of gothic reading pleasure
William Cook 

An excellent read
Doug Lamoreux

More Bestselling Horror If You Dare! 99 CENTS PROMO!

Heathstone House 
Here's what else you get: 

Two tortured beings, praying for death, the last occupants of Heathstone House. 

Her father was wrong. Children should not hear such tales…! Didn’t her mother know?

What were Jack the Ripper’s last words?

He preyed on children but then he got Dolly. Just right for the children, so wrong for him! 

 From a storm-shrouded lighthouse to the foggy realms of haunted forests and even a jaunt through Whitechapel, Carole Gill lulls you into her gothic web, masterfully weaving for you a series of nightmarish tales to unease your dreary nights. 
Joshua Skye

Top Notch Horror!
Edward Cook

After reading this, hope you'll never meet a vampire


Friday, June 19, 2015



She thought she married a monster even before she saw him 'snacking.'

A mad writer constructs a being out of his enemies! 

Her future in-laws...well...just read it, don't ask!

If you deliver pizza or know anyone that does, tell them not to deliver to zombie support groups!

Meet the murdered, they're waiting to talk to you.

Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes all the dead return!


 'Better to Die', a rabid take on the heroic Grace Darling story. This was not one for the faint-hearted and opens the collection in spectacular fashion

A splendid collection of short stories, others darkly disturbing, others amusingly macabre. Carole Gill has a delicate flair to her writing, one that keeps you both on your toes and wrapped in enjoyment. Judging by this ensyclopedia of horror themes, this writer has a bit of a Poe and a touch of King in her, plus something entirely different on top of that, one that makes her work very unique.
Alaric Longward

There are so many different monsters in this book the no matter what your biggest fear is or your favorite one to read about you are gonna find it without fail. 


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Horror For Adults! 99 cents BEST SELLING IN UK & US


Addicts find themselves in group therapy, but why is it so hot?

Scientists took the droids for granted one time too many.

The Blood Countess only needs to feed a little for one more night...don't be selfish there are benefits!

There was a first ‘Eden’…meet the being who dwelled there.

Why would she think she was a zombie when she didn’t even know she was dead?

Necromantic? Yeah, weird but it's love that lasts!

She thought her film director husband didn’t know, she never thought she’d be in an early snuff film!

Dine al fresco with demon clowns in a NYC subway!


"This is the kind of writing I live for. Carole Gill writes with haunting, beautiful prose and a talent to get under a reader’s skin."

"If you are looking for a book that you can read a few pages here and few pages there (especially on short commutes) this is not the book for you. Gill has put together a book with enough horror to fill your quota for the year. In these pages you will find vampires, werewolves, DaVinci, a touch of SF, zombies, and more."
The Lonely Reviewer

"The author leads you gently into a familiar place, then bites you. The scares are real. And like all good scares, they're followed soon after by a laugh because you know the writer got you good. Again and again, a simple perfectly chosen phrase gets you."
Doug Lamoreux


From "Just a Necromantic at Heart!"



War surplus from the Eastern Front supplies a quaint little shop of horrors!

Orphaned child vampires

Haunted cemeteries where the dead dance, 

What would Death say if he could speak?

A story of the war: evil comes to a village near you.

What if the world became Dead World?

Valhalla rejects are nasty, worst vampires ever!

Three tales of the Ripper

What are the blood-drenched secrets of The Crimson Club?

A crazed soldier and his famous father!

Zombies in therapy. Hey, why not?

Poetic justice meted out by grave angels and fate

Jonathan Harker has a night to remember!


These are just some of the stories in CAROLE GILL’S HOUSE HORRORS

"There is no doubt that she soars above the endless parade of independent horror authors to shine as a true star in the darkness. With the brilliant anthology House of Horrors she proves why she is a perennial favorite. To put it simply, this is a great assembly of tales anyone would be proud to have in their collection."
~Joshua Skye

. "Gill writes well and her prose is reminiscent of Shirley Jackson and Susan Hill (two authors who spring to mind). The Gothic underpinning to most of these stories bleeds an element of disquiet in a subtle and transformative fashion, as you delve deeper into the darkly ethereal world of `House of Horrors."
~William Cook

Monday, June 15, 2015




Vampires, zombies, murderous midgets, demon clowns, evil dolls, haunted cemeteries , a real shop of horrors, taxidermy gone haywire, serial killers and more!

What happens when an infamous serial killer dies? 
What kind of poetic justice do child killers get?
Why not witness it!!

Some women marry monsters. Not real ones of course...or are they?!
Find out what The House of Death is. Bear witness to the ghostly occupants taking two more victims!

"There is no doubt that she soars above the endless parade of independent horror authors to shine as a true star in the darkness. With the brilliant anthology House of Horrors she proves why she is a perennial favorite. To put it simply, this is a great assembly of tales anyone would be proud to have in their collection."
~Joshua Skye

. "Gill writes well and her prose is reminiscent of Shirley Jackson and Susan Hill (two authors who spring to mind). The Gothic underpinning to most of these stories, bleeds an element of disquiet in a subtle and transformative fashion, as you delve deeper into the darkly ethereal world of `House of Horrors."
~William Cook

”I grew up with horror legends such as King, Koontz, Poe, Shelley, Stoker and I added Carole Gill to that list.”


99cents few days only! 


Friday, June 12, 2015


Vincent Price as Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder General

From Eco's Journal, Book 3 of The Blackstone Vampires Series:
"I think Death did quite well for himself during the sixth decade of the 17th Century, don’t you?There were two plagues, one worse than the other, not counting the horrendous small pox epidemics. Tuberculosis also prevailed, as well as child bed fever and other assorted fatal diseases, and if that wasn’t enough, there was a devastating fire as well! The results of the fire alone would ensure that London never looked the same.

During those years, I saw Death repeatedly. He had become a familiar sight to me. I quite liked him as I found he could be almost pleasant, provided he was carting off enough souls. 

I don’t know what he did with all of them. There was a dispatcher of some kind who directed said souls to the proper terminal, shall we say. Satan was powerless in that respect. He could only wait for the crumbs offered, for rejects, really.I did see Satan occasionally. Actually, I saw him a great deal during Witchfinder Matthew Hopkins’ time. 

Hopkins was a monstrous lunatic who went about the countryside mainly torturing village odd balls and hapless half wits and anyone really who was in any way vulnerable. He and an associate, John Sterne, were passionate about ridding the world of witches and those who practiced the black arts. Naturally, the real practitioners were never caught. Neither of these two finders was clever enough to catch them out, you see. 

Satan and I often conferred on this subject. If there was one thing that pleased him, it was this lack of getting the right people, if you see my meaning. 

Though horrific, Hopkins’ reign of terror didn’t last that long, only a few years for he died young. As for Sterne, he retired to his farm and wrote some sort of rubbish that glorified the whole thing.Now, I must confess I did do something naughty with regard to Hopkins. But it was at Satan’s request. He hated the man and wanted him raised up. 

I thought it was an amazing idea and told him so! Rose, I did do it, too. You should have seen the look on Hopkins’ face when he realized what had happened! 

We stood in the churchyard at Mistley Heath, beside his open grave. As soon as he looked upon it, he knew. “What have you done?” he cried. 

“You will live forever. Of course, there are some drawbacks…” 

And there were. It was his first kill that did it. There he was, fresh from his grave, and already hungry for blood. 

“Yes,” I said. “It is blood you crave and you always will!”
“You devil!” 

This he said just before tearing the head off of a mouse which he devoured at once—blood, fur, flesh and all! 

Ever the hypocrite too, because when he had finished every bit of it, he screamed at me! Can you imagine such a thing? There he was, with his mouth and chin covered with gore. It was hilarious. 

“Serves you right,” I said. 

From what I understand, he did actually exist as a vampire for some time. "

(End of excerpt)

This excerpt is from Book 3, Unholy Testament - Full Circle. 
Each of the four novels that comprise the series are sold singly for $2.99



The boxed set is priced at $3.99


Wednesday, June 10, 2015



"The heat was intense, no doubt about it. Things began catching fire; bits of wood and wallpaper started burning and those scary popup things every funhouse has were all beginning to burn, too.

“We’re burning!” Fred hollered, but Joe only waved him off.

“You only feel like you’re burning but you’re really not! Feel your skin.”
He felt his and his father’s too, and Joe was right. Neither of them felt hot, only warm—not even very warm.

“Amazing, isn’t it?”

The gondola began to move again. “Wait till you see this! Now this is really something!” Joe said.

At first, Fred didn’t see anything. At first. But then he spotted a beautiful looking woman, tall and slim, dressed in a figure hugging gown. She smiled and turned, holding her arms out as fashion models do. Fred was incredulous.

“That’s Alice!” Fred shook his head. Joe laughed. “Oh, that’s her alright. She looks different now, but that’s because she has to.”

Alice looked up, still smiling. She was gorgeous. Fred studied her features and saw it was really her.

She kept touching herself, smoothing her hands down her narrow waist and hips. “If this is Hell, Fred, I want more!” Her smile widened. “Ain’t I lovely?”

Gone were the great folds of fat, the doughy, dimpled mounds of flesh that made up the being known as Baby Alice. Joe hurried to her. “Let’s show him what she’s got.”