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More demon confessions:
More demon confessions:
"Yes, Satan’s Blood Club—now that was an interesting enterprise. One of the most evil, decadent clubs I have ever had anything to do with.
The membership was entirely composed of aristocrats and their friends: bankers, writers, actors and a sprinkling of some members of parliament. Shocked? I would think you are.
They had come to Satan first, actually. He was quite enjoying his human persona so much that he began to frequent the sorts of brothels they did. When they took him into their confidence as a thoroughly good and right thinking chap (rich), they began to open up to him and he became a very popular house guest.
As such, he started to talk of devil worship. None of them were shocked. They were too thrilled and intrigued to be shocked; you see, a number of them had already been involved in one well known club.
They had joined that club but found it not to be of their liking for the activities weren’t hell bent enough.
The Hellfire Club was more for naughty, dirty-minded toffs than anything else. Rampant, non vampiric sexual orgies and silly schoolboy anti-religious antics were all the membership was concerned with.
Some visiting lords told me: “We grew bored when we saw they had no intention at all of sacrificing anyone or summoning demons, so we left!”
I had heard gossip about this but didn’t tell them as they seemed to be delighted to share what they thought was a secret with me.
“You were quite right to leave,” I replied. “And you have come to the right place.”
I began entertaining them in our private parlor. This was a rather ornately furnished lounge that was not part of the actual brothel. The purpose of having the parlor within the brothel was two-fold.
We lived there and anyone such as these two gentlemen got quite an eyeful when they came. So whatever business a caller came about, well, they knew where they were, shall we say.
Our vampiric wenches began to perform for them as soon as they stepped inside. In no time, we witnessed the most depraved orgies.
They were always grateful; in fact, they were intrigued with me. They considered me one of their own. Truth be told, I did let them think I was something of an aristocrat from France.
They didn’t like France or the French, being the Englishmen they were, but one title respected another as so often happens.
“You know,” Lord Leighton said. “There are things occurring in France now that are quite remarkable. I have heard about satanic practices that are held by the landed gentry, going so far up as the king.”
This was nothing new to me, which I told them. “Nearly a century ago,” I said, “there were plots and satanic practices, along with poisonings and such. The king’s own mistress was involved and a black arts practitioner known as La Voisin. It was really something.”
So thrilled they were that I told them all I knew, which wasn’t that much more, other than to say that a number of beheadings had resulted from this.
Yes, those Frenchies do have something of an affinity for that.
“I, too, provide a similar service, although perhaps our practice is a bit more contained,” I offered.
They exchanged looks a few times, which was not lost on me. At last, one of them, the older of the two lords, said what was on his mind. “We’d like to engage your services, Lord Eco, for our club, you see. We’re just beginning to organize ourselves now. It’ll be held at my country home in Kent, a secluded spot with its own caves that don’t have to be dug out, as they are already accessible. They go back to Roman and Druid times.”
He looked quite proud when he said that. Yes, they knew me as Lord Eco. I quite liked that and really I thought it suited me.
Now it was time for my questions. “Are you practicing Satanists?”
“We have indulged in some practice…”
I knew what this meant—that they had indeed done goodness knew what but they probably hadn’t done anything formally. Knowing my next question might drive them away, I asked them anyway: “Would you be averse to making satanic pacts?”
They didn’t look as shocked as I thought they’d look, which heartened me. Instead, they agreed. “Yes, if we can trust it…”
How funny, trust Satan? I tried not to smile.
I offered them the opportunity of speaking directly with His Satanic Majesty.
“You mean Satan himself, really? When—?!”
“Whenever you like. He is often here. It will be no trouble to introduce you.”
They couldn’t believe it when they were introduced. “Our friend! Oh you’re not. Oh my God!”
Satan cringed at that. “Please, not his name if you don’t mind!”
They apologized profusely whereupon he began to explain exactly what was required.
“There will be a large sacrificial rite. A number of innocents will be given up to me. Then you must sign a document I shall provide in your own blood. The stipulation being that you not only give over your soul but you offer freely members of your immediate family.”
That floored them. Not surprising really.
The younger lord said he wasn’t yet married whereupon Satan, completely nonplussed, asked if there was a mistress in the picture.
When he was told there was, he immediately suggested a child be conceived if there wasn’t yet one. The young lord looked amazed.
“You either wish the pact or you don’t,” Satan said, looking increasingly impatient.
Everything began to move along quickly after that when the older lord stated he would offer up any one of his children and insisted his wife be taken as well.
Satan preferred to leave her out of it and said he was pleased about the children. It was agreed that a girl was preferable to the one son who was heir.
“Yes, a girl is fine. That always works out well.”
And so it was arranged.
Within a year, it was all ready to go. The young lord’s mistress had managed to produce a baby and the pact was set forth.
By this time also there were quite a number of members, each of whom had already fulfilled their pacts to Satan’s satisfaction.
And so, the Club activities got under way. Naturally, there were the de rigueur Black Masses that opened each gathering, all conducted by Eve and myself. We used our wenches too, many of them making an altar with their naked bodies.
Yes, Rose, I’m certain you can guess what happened after the rites. Orgies that would last for days, some of them!
Actually it was all very good for business as many of the club members eventually wound up in our brothel, many of them becoming vampires. Actually, many elder statesmen and aristocrats were vampiric.
If you’re wondering where the newly immortal go after creation so as not to be found out, let me say they generally go to chalets and villas they own in remote areas. Money goes a long way and so does murder.
Now, as this went on, something was occurring in France as well. Suddenly, we began to notice French nobility coming to our brothel wishing not only to engage in feasts but to go further!
You see, they wished to be created, these various dukes and more than a few counts that arrived regularly.
Interesting notion, as France was undergoing a lot of political upheaval. The French aristocrats were nearly oblivious to it all. Or if they weren’t, they were seriously underestimating the situation.
“Oh, that will settle down. The rabble always are a noisy bunch. The king will suppress any trouble, I assure you.”
How wrong they were!
Satan was delighted with our new members and came to see me.
“There is important business for you to facilitate here and abroad,” he told me. He meant in France.
“I was active and quite pleased with that La Voisin business some time ago when it appeared Satanism had gained a huge following. But it appears I was mistaken for they quelled it and what with the political troubles now no one is thinking about it anymore. What I’d like to suggest to you, Eco, is that you and Eve and your entourage go to France where I will join you. There is much to be done there now. Lord Leighton will write to his friend there.”
He looked very proud of himself when he said that. I was still wondering, in light of the trouble there, how we would get along. “But there is so much unrest. Will we gain power?”
Satan looked angry and I swallowed hard. I don’t like displeasing him so I smiled and went on as best I could. “Of course we shall go there, Father Satan. I am sure it is a good idea.”
“Yes, it is, really. The ruling classes are so vapid and foolish, they will quickly become my pawns as most are already. Besides, I don’t see an uprising occurring for some time, if at all.”
I did not reply for I felt Satan was wrong. But as so often happened, I preferred to say nothing than to disagree..."