Tuesday, February 21, 2017


A little basking today! The title for this post comes from a reviewer. It comes at a time when I've questioned the darkness in my novels, especially since my husband's sudden death and particularly concerning my latest release: I, BATHORY, QUEEN of BLOOD, so this was terrific news. From a reviewer, link follows:

"5out of 5 stars HORRIFIC VAMPS & GREAT STORY!!!
I'm hooked on Carole Gill!! I prefer more details about a Vampires life, knowing they're Satan's creatures, and love that this author portrays them as they are!!! Intense read and that there's real history in a her novels, makes it even more interesting!! If you're offended by language, sex, bondage, and savagery, look to the Chic lit on the paranormal!!! Carole Gill is phenomenal!!!!"

With regard to this novel, The Author's Note appears in the beginning which is not usual. It is placed there as a warning. I felt it was only fair for people to know before they bought it.

Countess Erzsebet Bathory was a human monster who did exist. She was probably one of the most evil human beings I know of. I did not want to water her story down. I read a novel that did that, which inspired me to write truthfully about her. 

There are indeed human monsters among us.

My novels always have an extra ingredient. Something that makes each character unique. At least that has been my aim. 

At the core of this book about Bathory, is the question of her immortality. Immortality, after being created as a vampire. Now, this monster will live for centuries! Knowing this, she wonders if she will be different as a vampire and just focused on the feeding, but she soon finds out she is the same old monster.

And to her surprise and dismay, she sees as the centuries roll on, she is just another serial killer! 

I was discussing horror, true and not, with a friend of mine and she said we seem to become ever more numb to its effects. We get used to it, I guess. I think that's right. 

An infamous monster, living forever, would very possibly not be looked upon as such a monster when there are so many. Sigh. 

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